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Tags 3D Animated Blender Final_Fight Poison Sound Street_Fighter comandorekinsfm
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Rating Unrated


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Bossaboi: Genderbent poison
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General_Bitch: Isn't "she" supposed to be tranny?
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wendigo: what a good boy!
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Twtrkenco: Only way this'd be hotter would be giving her a dick and making it anal
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mecalise: @General_Bitch: poison was originally a girl, but when the game came to america, they called her a guy because it was wrong to hit women in games back then. she is canonically a woman
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Wuyang: finally a poison animation where she isn't a tranny subhuman
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General_Bitch: @mecalise: ah, thank's for the lore lesson!
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littleshieh: yeah, poison gender is poison.

kinda funny due to time but now become the best decision because now you can choose what ever poison would be.
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TrueLR: Poison was always originally transgender and was post-op in the original Final Fight. Corporate didn't like the idea of hitting women either way and Poison and her sister were replaced with male thugs in the American version.
Over the years different staff have flip-flopped on whether or not Poison is post-op or if she just tucks it away and have basically settled on a stance of "uuuuuh whatever you think it just stop asking".
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Revan-: @TrueLR: that was only in America though. she always had a cock in the japanese version
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DEADKILL3R: @Wuyang: