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Tags 3D Animated Overwatch Sound Tracer slayed.coom
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Rating Unrated


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xking5v: Gotta be the most overhyped animator.
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noxo: @xking5v: That'd be ITAlessio
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gl00myki11er: I do kind of find it funny that people call animators that only do white, racists, until they start making both white and black animations. Yet you have slayed, butch, and others that literally just do black and nothing else and tell everyone to fuck themselves if asked to do white or other colors other than endless void black. Not saying that they aren't great/amazing animators but it is a bit hypocritical.
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fgsfdsfgsfds: @xking5v: FACTS
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ilovebutts2: wow he managed to squeeze out 40 seconds of animation this time, I thought it was funny how the last two 24-hour animation challenges had less than 15 seconds of animation and half of the video was the title card. like what were the 24 hours spent on
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Blaaa69: @ilovebutts2: twittering about making the animation instead of working on it... Regularly check his garbage account to see when I can check out if the trash is worth a gander cause dude hasn't put the same effort into animation ever sense they become somewhat relevant
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Icekatana: @xking5v: I think he's badly overrated as well. He usually just does everything in hyper-speed to cover up his poor execution. I think this is better from him because it's slower, but I don't think his stuff is top tier, personally.