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Jonas: I have no idea why people intentionally try to make Y'shtola this dark. In-game she's as light-skinned as the guy there. She's basically a light-skinned Japanese woman in complexion (and eye shape) and it's why her facial markings stand out. This woman hardly looks Japanese at all.
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georld: @Jonas: reup your meds
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Colonel_Mael_Radec: @Jonas: Because this isn't based on Y'shtola's XIV model, it's based on her Dissidia model, where she is that dark. Also she's not Japanese anyway.
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Twtrkenco: @Jonas: Because this looks better. FF filled with too much pasty mayoskin
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Faplord: @Twtrkenco: Japanese people are massively light-skinned, so of course their NPCs are too. Can you imagine an american game with 80% brown people ? Me neither.