General_Bitch: I'm just wondering, on a scale of 1 to 10. How gay do you have to be to sit at a computer for hours upon hours for nearly half a year animating faggot tranny shit, making sure every detail is right and correct with keyframes, soft bodies, etc... Like I'm not even trolling at this point. You really have to be dedicated to make an animation like this in any software: Maya, Blender, CD4, etc... How do you stay passionate for that length of time animating an oversized dick on a female without being a faggot?
Jackbutt: @General_Bitch: I imagine no less gay than the guy (you) who watches all of these "gay" videos, hour after hour, year after year, commenting with the same mindless vitriol and drivel no one cares about. It's the internet, bub. No one cares what you say or what your opinion is. People come here, see a comment, reply or don't, then forget about it seconds after navigating away from the page. We know you have your cock out of your pants, in hand, pumping along with most the others. It's okay... We forgive you. Don't forget to get your tissue when you blow your load, fruit.
That's why the world is in the state it's in now. Ignoring mediocrity for so long has become the norm and offensive to call out. Trying to make top dollar for minimal effort.
Pussy69: Same idiot purposely clicking on futa content and still crying? Bro just end yourself out of misery General_Bitch. Not even insulting you b/c that seems to be the only cure for you.
Wuyang: absolute garbage, and let's not even talk about the way this fraud keeps ruining models
if the admin wasn't paid to feature this turd of an animation then i don't know what standards are anymore
forchon: @incelebrity: This is the only sane reply in this whole thread. It's not the giver but the receiver that determines whether something is gay. Male on female? Straight. Male on male? Gay. Futa on male? Gay. Futa on futa? Gay. Futa on female? Straight. See the pattern? Good.
Pussy69: @incelebrity: Ive been saying that for years... but the same idiots are just mad b/c the girls have a bigger dick at this point.
Oh right they just trolling... b/c if they were serious they'd be more gayer than futa lovers watching "MEN" in vanilla sex animations. Logic doesn't exist here only cucked edgelords calling everyone a fag b/c of something they don't like gets popular. Grown ass men crying over cocks and yet they never seen a pussy up close in their lives... lol Its a damn shame man.
ProjectGenocide: I'm guessing they are angry because no one can animate this good with their retarded J*w BBC faggotry. You want to know whats gay, interracial porn is beyond gay. It's gay porn disguised as heterosexual porn. People are far more fixated on the dicks of the male than they are the women hahaha. Plus this website have a lot more male on female shit than there is futa. People even spamming the platform with two versions of the same thing where one is always a black guy and the other is always a white guy.
SulfuricAcid_: @Juliya: did u just say the world is in the state it is cause someone decided to make a living through making animated porn, are u that fucking disconnected
Pussy69: @SulfuricAcid_: Majority of the idiots here talking about having a penis is gay are disconnected from themselves.
I guess they are men with vaginas.....
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That's why the world is in the state it's in now. Ignoring mediocrity for so long has become the norm and offensive to call out. Trying to make top dollar for minimal effort.
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if the admin wasn't paid to feature this turd of an animation then i don't know what standards are anymore
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Oh right they just trolling... b/c if they were serious they'd be more gayer than futa lovers watching "MEN" in vanilla sex animations. Logic doesn't exist here only cucked edgelords calling everyone a fag b/c of something they don't like gets popular. Grown ass men crying over cocks and yet they never seen a pussy up close in their lives... lol Its a damn shame man.
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I guess they are men with vaginas.....