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Tags 3D Animated Blender Duplicate_Post Final_Fantasy_VII_Remake Saberwolf8 Scarlet_(Final_fantasy) Sound TDonTran
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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aryan826: :D ^^ <3
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RavenOfOld: The belly bulge, the anal grip. And it's Scarlet. S-tier animation.
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TheGreatOne: S-tier because of Scarlet being a slutty executive.
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ChadCoomLord: S-tier because I'm not a faggot that's insecure about the color of a cock
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TheGreatOne: @ChadCoomLord: Lol, I still don't understand why some people hate brown/black skin. At the end of the day its just porn.
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aryan826: scarlet got featured!!! wooooo
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noxo: Oh shit, TDonTran got a feature
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IvankoVanya: Skarlet is advocating for more diversity and tolerance by taking a Big Black Cock™ up in her ass like a good white girl. Take her example, blonde euro girls: this is the right way to fight racism. Dont be a bigot: start by sucking a BBC now!
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ChadCoomLord: "Da joos are making animated sex videos featuring black men to destroy the west!"
-someone who totally isn't a schizo
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ChadCoomLord: "Blah blah blah I'm an insecure fag blah."
I'm not reading all that, nigga.
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vexenz: Yeah Yeah The same people who claim to "hate" this content are here to click on every single one of them even when the thumbnail very clearly shows a black dude. It's wild how they and the futa "haters" still think no one's on to them lol. The truth is you love this shit. You fap every time then when the post nut shame kicks in you're back here to try and spread your self loathing in the comment section. It's beyond pathetic only matched by how long it probably took them to think of typing a word backwards yet somehow think that they're clever.
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vexenz: Oh I know why you're doing it just like I know you likely spent hours thinking of it. I don't need to project. Your type is easier to read than a popup book. I'll see you in the next blacked video which you totally won't watch and fap to. And I bet you're just subbed to the patreon under a different name just to tell him directly how much you "hate" this content right?
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vexenz: That's just a lie as i've seen you commenting on more than that myself. Seriously Your self loathing isn't healthy. You should really look into that. As much as it would benefit the gene pool, I really wouldn't want you to self harm. That said, the first 5 letters of your name seem to describe you well so I guess i don't have to worry about the gene pool.
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vexenz: Ah and you show your desperation by stalking my profile too lol. Yeesh how embarrasing
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vexenz: Yawn as I said you're a dime a dozen. Buzz words are literally all you have. My comment on your name was to show my relief of you not contaminating to the gene pool. I have no need to checkmate you as you checkmated yourself long ago. Again I'll see you in the next blacked video you pretend not to like. Unlike you I have no pathetic closeted shame. I'm pan-sexual so there's very little I don't like. I don't spend my time clicking on things I claim not to like to show my impotent rage in the comments. How many clicks are you gonna give this video you claim to hate flailing to deny what everyone can clearly see?

Again, How embarrassing
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gimballzDV: Why are you even talking to him? Why are you even dignifying his comment with such a long, and irrelevant - response?
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gimballzDV: @TheGreatOne: " Lol, I still don't understand why some people hate brown/black skin. At the end of the day its just porn."

I don't understand why people don't like spicy/hot curry. At the end of the day it's just food.
This is the same kind of thing. It's not that he hates it that's the problem. It's that he's a troll.
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vexenz: @gimballzDV: Thing is I genuinely don't believe it's just trolling. I think troll is a mask these people wear. While it's mildly entertaining to watch them flail when called out on it, I also 100% believe what I'm saying that these people are hate fapping to this and once they're done crying through their self hatred they come and spread it in the comments.

You're right though i shouldn't have dignified it. I was bored and wanted a challenge but just ended up bored and disappointed :/