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Tags 3D Animated Kimberly_Jackson Street_Fighter Street_Fighter_6 rouge_nine
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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noxo: Rougenine keeping the Kimberly animations alive
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ASK: @noxo: Well, if we're being honest, Kimberly's the only one who actually GETS any regular animation treatment. Though that's hardly an impressive distinction since, on balance, really NONE of the new SF6 girls have received what I would call any SERIOUS attention. Yeah, I know, Marisa is facing the usual discrimination because she's a muscle girl and insecure man-children don't want to admit that she intimidates them. And yeah, I get that everyone's afraid of Lily because she gives off loli vibes. But what's everyone got against Manon...or A.K.I., for that matter? Those are two that I thought would have easily become overnight sensations, and instead they were just left on the side of the road. And I honestly don't get it. Is it just because Manon's tall and A.K.I. is too much like Harley Quinn? What? Seriously, SOMEONE explain it to me.
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georld: @ASK: jesus dude
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ASK: @georld: Well, am I right, OR AM I RIGHT?