Anonymous1: Crap it's still futa.
Wait... As requested? I hate futa but are you really caving to people asking you to do shit?
Look. I personally think the demon's extremely attractive in this. It's the chick with the dick she's riding that's really putting me off, but I'm not going to tell you to do shit. I could've ignored this animation easier if they both had dicks.
Anonymous3: Didn't see Morrigan with a dick. Honestly thought it was a dude till I clicked on it. In this sense, if they both had a dicks it'd be easier to ignore.
Also, you consider that bitching? All that was saying is that he shouldn't be conform to any tastes.
Reason I did this is because it takes next to no effort to get rid of a dick this way. Anyway, I don't really mind. I'll be doing more desire demon stuff.
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Wait... As requested? I hate futa but are you really caving to people asking you to do shit?
Look. I personally think the demon's extremely attractive in this. It's the chick with the dick she's riding that's really putting me off, but I'm not going to tell you to do shit. I could've ignored this animation easier if they both had dicks.
Get glasses.
Also, you consider that bitching? All that was saying is that he shouldn't be conform to any tastes.
And it wasn't "requested" as such, I was just exasperated by the fact that every single desire demon model I've seen had a dick.
So I posted an off-handed comment venting my annoyance (not even targeted, just a general "why the fuck" statement).
But anyway, kudos to you artist, this is actually quite decent.
It really doesn't look that bad. Hell, you could change the camera angle to make it less obvious.
Desire demon is best demon.
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Reason I did this is because it takes next to no effort to get rid of a dick this way. Anyway, I don't really mind. I'll be doing more desire demon stuff.