Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Image Title Uploader Rastafarian, May 2, 2015; 03:39 Tags 3D Bioshock Bioshock_Infinite Elizabeth Source_Filmmaker dalgen Source Unknown Locked No Rating Unrated Comments May 2, 2015; 04:10 - Reply majestic_117: Holy fuck this needs to be animated May 2, 2015; 06:51 - Reply beefers: @majestic_117: holy fuck you're a faggot. May 2, 2015; 13:23 - Reply Frostedge: How does a cigarette stay lit in that monsoon? May 2, 2015; 14:42 - Reply Mageta: Narp May 4, 2015; 11:46 - Reply Anonymous1: @beefers: And you're a fucking retard who clicks on shit you know you're not going to like and goes out of your way to whine about people liking things you don't.
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