m41rapture: I like it. Im sure when he made it he knew people would hop on the hitting a women hate train thing but in the context of a rape type scenario its perfect. Nicely animated and dat penis jiggle so good, Coming from a straight guy.
pestilencesfm: Yep. I knew it was flammable when I made it; my stuff is generally hardcore, and there's definitely a receptive audience. There's more than enough vanilla out there for those who want that.
Anonymous2: Anon1 again, by all means keep doing whatever you want with animations, was just offering my thoughts. I've enjoyed NonCon animations before, it's the actual physical hitting that brings it above a point that I can enjoy though. For me.
Lordmal: I think everyone knows a girl like this from their college days, loaded down with daddy-bad-touch issues and just trying to use sex to get anyone to like them. Broken girls are so hot!
upann: I wouldn't mind the slapping at all, provided it was actually well done. Granted it very difficult to animate motions like this... ask Marmalader about it, he makes the best spanking out there.
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And yes. Don't listen to internet white knights. They would never understand.