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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags 3D Albert_Wesker Animated Chris_Redfield SFMoneyshot Sound Source_Filmmaker Studiofow
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Lalka: da fuq
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XIII: I don't have a problem with it being gay, I have a problem with it being completely retarded.
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Anonymous1: oh god why. now they support faggottry.
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Eldaze: what i just watched? no no no
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skhul: what the hell
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Anonymous2: WTF
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asdfasdf: Hahaha -13 holy fuck
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m41rapture: Why must everyone be so politically correct now and try and please everyone, this animation just screams HEY LOOK AT ME WE SUPPORT GAYS!! GUYS LOOK AT WHAT WE DID!!!.
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TavAkuma: okay, i've nothing against gay, but now i wish that there was some kind of advertisement about the nature of the animation BEFORE i clicked it. yes, i know i could have guessed it looking at the tags since there's no female character, but still...
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MrKristoffVA: m41 - it was special ordered by one of our patreons so we respected their wishes and made exactly what they wanted. i agree about creating content with some PC appeasement angle being lame but can promise you that was not the case here.
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MrKristoffVA: @m41rapture: m41 - it was special ordered by one of our patreons so we respected their wishes and made exactly what they wanted. i agree about creating content with some PC appeasement angle being lame but can promise you that was not the case here.
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m41rapture: Good to know, because i've had it up to here (raises hand above head) with everyone either being offended by everything or overload of politically correctness where you must do something of everything or else you're a racist, sexist or anti gay.
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beefer: @m41rapture: Hear-hear
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Revan-: loooooool
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Anonymous3: well at least is not know the first guy that people think its gay on RE...also lol at people getting angry about this...108
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Anonymous4: I'm really disappointed in this thread of conversation. Some people like gay male action. There shouldn't be a *warning*, and nobody's being *politically correct*. This animation didn't swing your way. Too bad. Plenty of others do. Get over yourselves.
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tubtor: i'm glad to know that a gay animation brings up this much conversation, there are like 4 or 5 gay animations on this site? but dozens of loli stuff but everyone is completely ok with that
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m41rapture: I dunno it seems like a waste of the amazing talent they have to please the small handfull of people that are into gay men fucking. Think thats why people are upset. I know i was.
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Revan-: @m41rapture: I dunno it seems like a waste of the amazing talent they have to please the small handfull of people that are into little boys fucking grown women.
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beefer: Honestly, as long as they had legit reasons for making this that didn't involve an SJW flipping their shit over their lack of animations involving guys getting dicked, or just to piss off some homophobe who bashed them, I find nothing wrong with this. Not really my thing, but more power to them if this was created to please an actual VIP request.

Wait! I mean... I was abused by a priest as a kid, THAT'S why I love this okay? You people can be real assholes, you know that?
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Frankenfran: This is trolling on a whole new level :(
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Frankenfran: @MrKristoffVA: then you should have kept this private
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Key: Just add a "gay" tag to this site, sheesh!
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Andrew: aaah fuck...come on dude...
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Andrew: gross
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Anonymous5: This guy is finally punished, he beated up an innocent rock. Scumbag
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Frostedge: @beefer: Nobody really blamed you for liking this, y'know? But, yeah, I agree with you, if this wasn't made due to an SJW or to knee-jerk to trolls, then I see nothing wrong with this.
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Anonymous6: " there should be warning "
" i have nothing against gay BUT...."

Seriously people =___= ... stop being stupid, stop being "internet"
Why does nobody cry when it is futa ? or girl on girl ? or Horse on girl ? or child on girl ?

reactions like this, guys like you make the world so retarded...
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asdfasdf: @m41rapture: come on, REALLY? why are you so upset about this? this was a requested piece, it's not a waste of talent by any stretch. there are more fans of homo pairings than you think
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Anonymous7: Because he's a homophobe, simple as that.
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asdfasdf: @Anonymous: Yeah I guess so
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Anonymous8: meh, this is bad, just as any futa or furry, in my opinion. loli is still hetero and though it's just pixels: fapping to loli, to me, it's like playing a videogame, the fact that i kill people doesn't mean i'd do it in real life, like i wouldn't fuck a little girl anyway
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asdfasdf: Like, look, you can hate gay porn as much as you like, you can't help what you're attracted to, but acting like people produce gay porn 'to show how progressive they are' is probably the most asinine and frankly retarded thing I've ever heard. In this case it was a request from one of StudioFOW's patrons, but it could've just as easily been produced because they WANTED TO. I produce hetero and homo content because I'm bisexual and both appeal to me. Not because I want to show how 'with it' I am. Holy fuck, get over yourselves.
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Revan-: It's just really funny to me how people here are okay with shota & bestiality but as soon as anything gay comes out, it's "WHOA YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR THE SJWS DID THIS". Holy shit, get your head out of your asses, you pieces of shit.
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m41rapture: user image
Think you've made your point 10 fold.
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Uncle-Sam77: Fuck you, troll studios, fuck youuuuuuuuuuu
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Anonymous9: I am ok with gay porn, even if I don´t like it. What's ironic is how Studio FOW say no to Last of Us porn (Ellie), while Yagskie makes shota animations for hire. I guess shota is not "underaged" to them LOL
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: What? People bitch at futanari all the time on this website. There's a user in this comment section who's entire raison d'etre is to be an inverse troll of someone who does little else BUT bitch about futanari.

I'm with you either way though. The reactions here are fucking stupid. I hate SJWs as much as anyone, which makes this comment section especially painful because it's proving their whiny attitudes right.

@Anonymous: So the important part is that it be "hetero," in your eyes? Christ, SJWs are fucking retarded, but sometimes the people on the other side are just as batshit stupid.
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USAgent: Hahahahaha. Oh shit. I wasn't expecting this.
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upann: The voice acting is hilarious. :)
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denzel07: Lol at all the gay hate, you guys are such close minded assholes.
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USAgent: @upann: It is. It really makes the piece. Well, that and the creampie at the end.
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Pemorel2: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk omg broxei
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Anonymous11: its not like hovering over the thing before you clicked it showed the names of everyone involved or something!
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Pickles: People seriously bringing up SJW boogeymen as if anyone on the SJW scene has ever made a complaint about their not being enough gay SFM content. Yeah, they're going to boycott a SFM artist for not making animations of guys fucking each other in the ass. Top fucking kek
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beefer: @Pickles: Timpossible pulled a Sera animation he made last week because a bunch of SJW's bitched about her fucking a guy. Just because you personally fail to see that shit does not mean it isn't happening.
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Anonymous12: @beefer: This is a commission it has nothing to do with SJW's
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Anonymous13: look at all this butthurt
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oriondeth: what a waste of time
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thinkinghorse: *grabs popcorn*
Man, these comments are hilarious.
Rule 34 people. NO EXCEPTION! Absolutely no exception.

And although Murica and the internet have a huge problem with the far-left activists and "sjw" mentality, some of these people here are clearly paranoid and see "evil SJW conspiracy" in everything they don't like. I don't see how gay porn could be "SJW"....

But, I wouldn't mind if separate tags and ability to censor those specific tags were added to this site.Then everyone would be happy.
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anizem: lol
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shingo: No god please no no nooooooo!
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subzero666: GOD WHY?! I'M GOING TO PUKE!
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Harucho: Very well done animation ~!
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Anonymous14: fuck gays i hate gays and i hope every gay to become straight
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Leningradite: Gay porn exists, therefore the cultural marxists have won! Never stop, internet.
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Anonymous15: I love this animation
Chris is so cute
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Johnasherlock: the fuck I'M GOING TO PUKE! BLAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous16: yall fucking disgusting..... >:D

@XIII: @m41rapture: @TavAkuma: @MrKristoffVA: @Revan-: @Pickles: @Leningradite:
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Anonymous17: years ago this site was wholesome for straight people and now they pushing LGBTQ+CCCP agenda, where is the straight right huh?!?