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USAgent: I don't know if it's the lighting he chooses or what but it seems as if every single model Tim uses is using the same body/skin texture. Is it just me? His animations and pictures have this weird effect to them.
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m41rapture: Quantity over Quality welfare animator. Feels like i've seen this same animation 400 times from him. He should take this down as i think this lady is a lesbian and im pretty offended like im pretty steaming about it im gonna cry im so mad with rage.
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USAgent: @m41rapture: Lmao. But yeah, man. Every piece of work from him is beginning to look like the rest of his content. Beyond faces the models don't differentiate and that weird light/shading effect doesn't help his animations make an impact like they could.
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I can't explain the shade effect. It must be a personal effect he likes. But I dug through his tumblr and he apparently headswaps. I looked back on one of his animations and he said he was using the Claire Lille body or whatever the fuck her name is. That chick from Watchdogs. Using her body as the base and just tossing heads on it left and right. Oh well.
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Revan-: @m41rapture: loolllll xDDDDDDDDDDDD
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Anonymous1: I don't find the texture of his models to be bad just different than some of the other ones where people make the models have a wet/shiny effect. Though lack in variety is starting to get old.
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USAgent: @Anonymous: Yeah it isn't /bad/ it's just makes his work all run together instead of standing out individually.

I still fap to it, though. I'll never stop fapping to it.
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Anonymous2: Hiho...Timpossible here. Yes. I agree. I tend to repeat poses and lightning. I notice that. But every time I end up with a light-mood I like I realize that used again 3 lamps with white, blue and orange light. -_- About the skin thing: As you might see I like to animate penetration and there are not that many models with decent vagina bones/flexes so I often use the same model with some colour correction. But in this case I should not be so repeating, because Rhonda is a complete nude mode (thanks redmenace) that I used maybe 2 times before. I really have to take my time when I make an animation and work on my impatience. Thanks for the feedback.