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Bardock: Vey good!
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ZaZa: should have been the other way around this is just ghey.
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mybash: I need mind bleach after this.
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Anonymous1: I would have liked it if he made a version where Rainbow is fucking a girl too.

Then EVERYONE would be happy!!
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hardyasdfY: she's so wretchedly happy about it
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Lordmal: I try not to be the 'everything should come in 50 versions to appease everyone!' guy, but damn I love this guy's style and enjoyed his futaxfemale earlier work. So rare to get good. rough dom-futaxfemale.
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plopplop: That'stoo bad though, everything else is just perfect. I'd love to see that kind of roughness applied to someone else.
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Anonymous2: @plopplop: Same here. Everything is perfect except for the pony head for me.

Still, kudos to whoever likes that part!
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BigD: Great animation
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oriondeth: nice animation awfull idea