Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar or Unifans for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Rastafarian, July 2, 2015; 22:13 Tags 3D Animated Dragon_Age_Inquisition Morrigan_(Dragon_Age) Sound Source_Filmmaker Unidentifiedsfm Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments July 2, 2015; 22:53 - Reply Anonymous1: Dat framerate. July 2, 2015; 23:17 - Reply huuu: You know for the repetitiveness and the time it is continued for you could of actually made some variation or at least an ending scene, it might as well of just been a loop. July 3, 2015; 01:40 - Reply NMC2014: @Anonymous: It's so accurate to the game, so much detail it's crazy. July 3, 2015; 04:36 - Reply Anonymous2: @NMC2014: If youre getting a low framerate on Origins, that would be your pc not the game, its not a hard game to run well July 3, 2015; 08:27 - Reply USAgent: @Anonymous: He was joking, bruv. July 3, 2015; 15:48 - Reply Violater: freaking amazing July 3, 2015; 15:50 - Reply Waagh: @huuu: Kinda agreed. A creampie would have been great. Still, an awesome animation. July 4, 2015; 09:05 - Reply Anonymous3: Fucking awesome!!
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It's so accurate to the game, so much detail it's crazy.