
Comments made: 245, 0.1 per day
Posts uploaded: 76, 0.0 per day
Posts favorited: 5, 0.0 per day
8 Upvotes / 0 Downvotes
Class: user
User ID: 11175

About Me

Hobby includes collecting DOA stuff. I have a large library of community made DOA content.
ISO (In Search Of):
DOA5LR mods by xathu0904 and goblem (as seen on their DA page)
lost/paywalled DOA5LR content

Passive goal: find or create NSFW variants of all base game + DLC outfits in DOA5LR
PM or email my username at gmail if you're looking for a mod or have a suggestion. I'm only online a few times a month these days.

8/1/23 RIP my SSD I had the bulk of my 100gb+ collection of DOA materials saved to. Fortunately I uploaded most of the hard to find material to my Mega drive. Remember: cheap (Chinese) drives will die and take everything with them. Buy Western Digital Red.